e-Soft s.r.l. Apps

Mappa Mecum Survey FREE 1.1
e-Soft s.r.l.
Mappa Mecum Survey FREE uses the GPS on yourmobile device to record a series of static point of interest(POIs).This app use NMEA raw data, for registering and averaging aseries of fixs points for each survey. You can set quality andminimum number of fix points for calculate a single POI.A POI based on some hundreds of good quality points can ensure asurvey precision about 10-12 metres.POI locations are saved in a SQLLite DB and can be exported asrow NMEA data or KML format.User can also display and adjust POI locations on a map viewusing a TMS server like Open Street Map or other TMS or WMS serverssuch as ArcInfo.Mappa Mecum Survey FREE let you register a maximum of 30staPOIs. If you need to register more than 30 locations, You canbuy and download Mappa Mecum Survey PRO*** About Mappa Mecum ***To provide a fast development of mobile solutions, e-Soft hasimplemented a proprietary cartographic library (Mappa Mecum) thatoffers the following features:- display maps served with various protocols (TMS, WMS,..):applications can access a wide variety of map services, not limitedto the Google's and Microsoft's ones, like the open alternativeOpenStreetMap and propretary services realised with ESRI products(ArcInfo, ArcIMS);- pre-load significative map portions on SD-card: this way mapsare accessible even when the smartphone can not connect, like oftenhappens in extra-urban areas, and without mobile internet costs;moreover the map navigation becomes extremely fast;- overlay geospatial vector data (shapes file) geometries on themap (points, polylines, and polygons) and display informationsassociated with them;- cache loaded map portions to speed up future access to thesame area- great user experience, that takes advantage of gestures(single-tap, double-tap, drag, fling, pinch,..) to browse maps andon multi-threading to keep the application response time low.e-Soft uses Mappa Mecum to develop, at low price, high qualitycartography related solutions to satisfy a vast variety ofcustomers and needs.* Fleet tracking*This solution is directed to both public and privateorganizations, by querying an AVM server (e-Soft can develop a newone, or interface to an existing one) it is possible to display inreal time vehicles position and others related informations.Another area related to this type of solutions, where e-Soft possesspecific experience, is the development of tracking systems forambulances and other vehicles adopted in emergency services andpublic assistance (118, red cross, voluntary organizations,..)* Environmental protection and monitoring *This type of solution is directed to organizations andauthorities dedicated to the control of territory (Forest Rangers ,Municipal Police,..) and Public Security.For example, adding to the map one or more informative vector layer(like shape files) showing specific boundaries or permissions forpublic land occupation, it is possible to check if you are in aprotected area, in a specific zone of the PRG (Piano RegolatoreGenerale) or in an flood-risk area and show detailed informationsabout the area.* Civil Defence, Public Security and Operators/Fleet Tracking*Making use of the smartphone GPS and connections features, andusing the technology Mappa Mecum, e-Soft can rapidly developsolutions to show the position of operators.The exchange can visualize in real time the position of eachoperator, assign him tasks, etc. Each operator can display theposition of his colleagues and his assigned tasks. Operator canalso gather alphanumeric or multimedial data from the territory andsend it to the exchange.Tracking the operators position over time it is possible fromthe exchange to check which areas are already been, or to be,monitorated.
Blue Coat Checks 1.0
e-Soft s.r.l.
Blue Coat Checks consente di tracciare conunsemplice click su uno smartphone, le attività svolte sulTerritoriodai propri collaboratori.Agenzie di Pulizia, Imprese di Costruzione, Aziende diPubblicaSicurezza e Vigilanza, Servizi di Manutenzione e moltealtrà realtàoperanti sul territorio possono utilizzare Blue CoatChecks perrilevare ora di inizio (check-in), di fine (check-out) eluogo incui vengono svolte le attività.I dati raccolti dai tablet e dagli smartphones sonocentralizzatisui server resi disponibili in modalità Cloud egestibili medianteun'applicazione utilizzabile via web.La soluzione Blue Coat Checks è utilizzabile in modalitàSaaS(Software as a Service) e richiede la sottoscrizione di uncanonemensile calcolato in funzione del numero di dispositividagestire.Questa app è inerente ai seguenti temi: rilevazionepresenze,marcatempo, cartellino, timbratura, cartellinoelettronico,telecontrollo, monitoraggio, rendicontazione attività,manutenzioneimpianti, controllo del personale, vigilanza,sicurezza,sorveglianza, gestione cantieri, pulizia industriale,servizigiardinaggio.Blue Coat Checks letsyoudraw with a simple click on a smartphone, the activitiescarriedout in the Territory by its employees.Agencies Cleaning, Construction Companies, Firms ofPublicSecurity and Surveillance, Maintenance Services and manyothercompanies operating in the area can use Blue Coat Checks todetectstart time (check-in), end (check-out) and place whereactivitiesare carried out.Data collected from the tablet and smartphones are centralizedonservers made available as cloud and managed by an applicationusablevia web.The Blue Coat solution Checks can be used as SaaS (Software asaService) and requires subscription to a monthly fee calculated asafunction of the number of devices to manage.This app is inherent to the following themes: Attendance,timestamp, tag, stamping, electronic card, remote control,monitoring,reporting activities, maintenance, control ofpersonnel,supervision, security, monitoring, site management,industrialcleaning, gardening services.
WIMB - Where Is My Bus Bologna 1.3
e-Soft s.r.l.
Questa applicazione, completamente gratuita e facile da usare,consente di ottenere le previsioni di arrivo ad una specificafermata degli autobus di Bologna. Per conoscere gli autobus chestanno per arrivare ad una fermata, è sufficiente specificare ilNumero della Fermata (il Numero della Fermata è chiaramenteleggibile su tutte le fermata Urbane ed Extraurbane di Bologna). E'possibile anche crearsi una propria rubrica per associare ai codicidelle fermate che utilizzi più spesso una tua descrizionepersonalizzata). Se, oltre al Numero della Fermata, vienespecificata una Linea di Autobus, le informazioni restituiteriguarderanno i prossimi arrivi dei soli Autobus che stannooperando su tale Linea. Se invece il campo Linea viene lasciatovuoto, WIMB restituirà i tempi di arrivi dei prossimi due autobus,indipendentemente dalla Linea che stanno servendo. WIMB è statosviluppato da e-Soft, azienda specializzata nello sviluppo disoftware, e utilizza i servizi TPER HelloBus, resi disponibili conLicenza Creative Commons Attribuzione 3.0 Italia.
Mappa Mecum Earthquakes 2.3
e-Soft s.r.l.
Mappa Mecum EarthquakeThis app shows recent earthquake events around the world.You can use Mappa Mecum Earthquake to display on map andshowdetailed information of earthquakes registered by themostimportant authorities and collected by theEMSC-coordinatedobservatories.Events can be overlapped to maps provided by a lot ofdifferentweb services; you can edit mapServers.properties file toadd yourpreferred services.This is a sample application showing the capabilities ofMappaMecum Technology.*** About Mappa Mecum ***To provide a fast development of mobile solutions, e-Softhasimplemented a proprietary cartographic library (Mappa Mecum)thatoffers the following features:- display maps served with various protocols (TMS,WMS,..):applications can access a wide variety of map services, notlimitedto the Google's and Microsoft's ones, like the openalternativeOpenStreetMap and propretary services realised with ESRIproducts(ArcInfo, ArcIMS);- pre-load significative map portions on SD-card: this waymapsare accessible even when the smartphone can not connect, likeoftenhappens in extra-urban areas, and without mobile internetcosts;moreover the map navigation becomes extremely fast;- overlay geospatial vector data (shapes file) geometries onthemap (points, polylines, and polygons) and displayinformationsassociated with them;- cache loaded map portions to speed up future access to thesamearea- great user experience, that takes advantage ofgestures(single-tap, double-tap, drag, fling, pinch,..) to browsemaps andon multi-threading to keep the application response timelow.e-Soft uses Mappa Mecum to develop, at low price, highqualitycartography related solutions to satisfy a vast varietyofcustomers and needs.* Fleet tracking*This solution is directed to both public andprivateorganizations, by querying an AVM server (e-Soft can developa newone, or interface to an existing one) it is possible todisplay inreal time vehicles position and others relatedinformations.Another area related to this type of solutions, wheree-Soft possesspecific experience, is the development of trackingsystems forambulances and other vehicles adopted in emergencyservices andpublic assistance (118, red cross, voluntaryorganizations,..)* Environmental protection and monitoring *This type of solution is directed to organizationsandauthorities dedicated to the control of territory (ForestRangers ,Municipal Police,..) and Public Security.For example, adding to the map one or more informative vectorlayer(like shape files) showing specific boundaries or permissionsforpublic land occupation, it is possible to check if you are inaprotected area, in a specific zone of the PRG (PianoRegolatoreGenerale) or in an flood-risk area and show detailedinformationsabout the area.* Civil Defence, Public Security and Operators/FleetTracking*Making use of the smartphone GPS and connections features,andusing the technology Mappa Mecum, e-Soft can rapidlydevelopsolutions to show the position of operators.The exchange can visualize in real time the position ofeachoperator, assign him tasks, etc. Each operator can displaytheposition of his colleagues and his assigned tasks. Operatorcanalso gather alphanumeric or multimedial data from the territoryandsend it to the exchange.Tracking the operators position over time it is possible fromtheexchange to check which areas are already been, or tobe,monitorated.Keywords: earthquakes indonesia, earthquakesargentina,eartquakes japan, earthquakes italia, earthquakesturkey,earthquakes greece, earthquakes philippines, earthquakessyria,earthquakes australia, earthquakes aleutian islands,earthquakesJapan